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The Da Vinci Code


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I've been totally hooked on the book, but you know what it's like you don't physically get time to READ!

I am just wondering if the film can possibly be as good.

I thought I'd see it as soon as I have completed the book!

You'll have to keep me posted on thoughts of the film!

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The book took a bit of getting used to, I thought. Spent many nights trying to get my head around parts of it! Looking forward to the film though as the other half has promised to take me! Will let you know what I think, as I'm sure will others!

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Finished Angels and Demons tonight -WOW! I don't normally get to read books other than at half term, and even that's a luxury sometimes. Da Vinci Code inspired me to read more, so having read Da Vinci Code over Easter hols I've now read Deception Point and A&D. I think I agree that Angels and Demons is even better than Da Vinci Code. I'm definately off to see the film - hope I won't be disappointed.




PS My other half told me he'd hidden my book as he walked out the door this morning - fortunately he was joking or I'd now be busy reading divorce literature :o

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I couldn't put Da VInci Code down either (my sister bought me the illustrated birthday for my 30th last year) If you can get your hands on a copy, the pictures certainly help to put things in context and explain the symbology and cryptology a bit more (the thing about the Last Supper picture in particular)


Looking forward to going to see the film, but early reports from the critics are not all that glowing. Apparently Tom Hanks is 'wooden' as Langdon and the story is 'plodding' However, I think that those who have criticised the film probably didn't 'get' the book, so I'm prepared to take the chance!!


Also have Angels and Demons to read next week (supposed to be on walking holiday, but weather for South Wales looks a bit wet!) Hope it's as good as everyone else on here is making out!



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I read the Da Vinci code in a day, while on holiday last year - just couldn't put it down! I started Angels and Demons but I don't think I was in the right frame of mind for reading at the time because I left it after a few chapters. My husband and a couple of friends have said the same as you guys, that it is even better than Da Vinci. Will have another go at it.

We have booked to see Da Vinci Code Thurs 25 May we're really looking forward to it - will let you know what we think of it.


Sue J

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Guest MaryEMac

I too found Angels and Demons better than the Da Vinci code, I couldn't put it down till I had finished it . Like Running Bunny , i havn't read any good reviews so am not sure if I want to see the film. Will wait to hear Sue J's review.Also read Deception Point and Digital Fortress but they weren't as gripping.


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Has any one read The Blood and the Holy Grail (think that's the title) - you know the non-fiction book that was in the court case versus Da Vinci Code. I picked it up in a book shop a couple of weeks ago and flicking through thought it looked a bit deep (small print etc :o ), however a colleague a school says her partner is reading it and keep blurting out interesting 'facts'. Wonder whether it might be worth a look at half term???



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  • 2 weeks later...

I took the plunge and went to see the Da Vinci Code. It was better than I expected but not as gripping as the book. Difficult I suppose to put the detail into 21/2hrs. A friend who hasn't read the book thoroughly enjoyed it. Those of us who had read the book came away saying it was ok :o

Edited by Marion
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Went with my daughter to see Da Vinci Code - both of us thought the book fantastic .... the film was OK - not sure it should have been panned by critics (but the book was MILES better). What I found really eerie was that, you know when the credits start to roll on a film and the audience goes out talking? when we went to see the film no-one was talking, guess they were all trying to decide whether it was a good film or not. Still glad I went to see it.


I'd definately go to see it, but I do wonder if it would be better if you hadn't read the book????



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I think it is one of those films where you would enjoy it more not knowing. So if you havent found the time to read the book go and see the film. If you have read the book Id still go but not with the same expectations.

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Well I've seen the film and I've not read the book and I enjoyed the film. I went with my fiance and our friend who have both read the book and they spent a lot of time noticing things that they'd changed etc which spoilt it for them.

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Feel like I'm going against general opinion (of the world also) but I didn't like the book! Thought it went on and on, it started well but I found myself thinking about other things when I was reading it towards the end, and I kept thinking I may skip pages, not a good sign for me, I did stick with it but didn't enjoy it. Hope I haven't offended anyone or are you reading this thinking I'm a weirdo! Is there anyone else who didn't enjoy the book? (I just get the feeling no-one will answer - how stupid will I feel?) xD:o

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I was really disappointed with the film :( The book was very fast paced and you HAD to keep reading to find out what happened next - perhaps it was the knowing that spoilt it though?


Mark Kermode on Radio 5 apparently tore the film to shreds and wanted to know if 'someone could turn the bl***y lights on!' as it was so dark :o


Not sure what else Tom Hanks could have done with the role as Langdon wasn't exactly an 'inspiring' character. Ian McKellen was good as Teabing.


Disappointed that there wasn't as much emphasis on the code-cracking as that is what keeps you interested in the book and it was a case of, well I won't spoil it for those that haven't been yet, but it all fell into place a lot easier than in the book.... xD


The surprising thing was - Dan Brown was Executive Producer, so unless there is another Dan Brown out there I'm guessing it is one and the same and I would have expected more if he was involved in the process.


Still worth a visit to your local cinema to see it to make up your own mind :(

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Still haven't seen the film but have just finished reading Angels and Demons and agree that it tis better than the Da Vinci Code!

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don't go feeling stupid, we are all entitled to our opinions and no one should think any different of you because you happen to have one that's different to theirs!!


More power to you for standing up and saying what you think :o



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