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Help! Practical Job Interview!

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Hi everyone


I hope you can give me some advice. xD


I am doing a practical interview for a job this week and one of the things I have to do is lead a simple physical activity for up to 25 children (other staff will be assisting). It doesnt have to last any more than 5 minutes, although I could use up to about 15mins.


The activity will take place in a playground, or if it is wet, inside.


The letter said that familiar games to the children were things like the Hokey Cokey (which I dont like doing because it can be so rough), Farmer wants a wife and princess song (which I dont really want to do because I dont want any of the children to feel left out), Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Happy and you know it.


So it seems like they want action songs rather than planned physical activities. I will have no equipment, and I dont know any of the children.


Anyway, what I was wondering is, do any of you do anything (or a variation on anything) which children really enjoy? Im thinking of something which wont take too much explanation or co ordination for 4 year olds, and which could take place in a limited space indoors if needed.

Hope you can be of help, I really want to make an impression and do something slightly different to everyone else, but not so different that it goes wrong :o I could also probably bring a ball or something with me because it doesnt say that we cant use any equipment.


Anyway, if you have any good ideas I would greatly appreicate them.




Very simple but what about 'Here we go round the mulberry bush' they all join in and one or two get to choose the actions for everyone to copy, some thinking skills here and its a child friendly as they are using familiar actions from thier daily lives. If they don't know it it is very simple, and having other adults means that they can all be in the circle.


What about the bean game, children love this, jelly bean, tin of beans, runner bean, french bean etc, it's a favourite with my four year olds.


Hi Goldilocks,

When we do the hokey cokey we don't always hold hands and dance into the middle for the chorus because the children can get a bit over-excited. Instead we raise our hands high in the air, starting with them by our ankles - does that make sense? It works well.


How about:


Traffic lights - run around the space on green, red = stop and amber - walk. Show colour cards to the children or pictures of traffic lights (even better) then they are learning about moving within the space in a controled way plus a bit about road safety... stop at red.


Heads, shoulders, knees and toes... add a parachute and stop at shoulder height and it looks like everyone is in bed.


Pass the bean bag is a tumble tots songs about passing a bean bag round the circle - fast and slow...


Time bomb... throw the ball to children in the circle at random...if they miss it then you count down from 10... passing ball to each other round circle.... when you get to 0 you shout 'Bang' and the bomb goes off. child could then sit out for next go.. or just carry on!


A giant snowball fight.... tak eloads of newspaper in, Make balls from it... seperate the children into two groups and with 2 rope create a river in the middle. Each team had to throw their snowballs accross the river to the other team. Time is up when all the snow is in the river, or you need a break... count snowballs on floor and go again.


Thanks everyone


The practical interview went really well. :D I have the main interview with the Board of Governors on Tuesday!! :o A little nervous - I havent done an interview in so long!!.


Love the snowball game - would love to hear from others what games they play without any resources - I don't manage this area very well and would love some additional ideas for outdoor impromptu easy rule play



Sorry but meant to add Good luck with the interview too



How did it go?


Kids love the snow ball idea to... even better adults versus kids if you have enough or boys v girls!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone.


Unfortunately I didnt get the job, but the headteacher has said that I should phone him and he will be glad to give me some feedback. Did the bean game, and traffic lights (except I got them to move like animals), heads shoulders and something else (cant remember now). In Norway at present visiting various kindergartens and schools. Just wandered into the library (to cool down - very hot day!!) and thought I would log on.


Will log on again when I get home.



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