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Home Visits -


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I'd love some ideas/help on home visits. Before children start with us in Reception we usually do visits to feeder nurseries, have an open meeting for parents with presentation and visit round school and our rooms/outdoor area, then we finish off with 2 afternoons for the new children to visit us for play and a story.


I have been encouraged to find out about and consider home visits for next year. One person I spoke to said they offer them as an option and carry them out over the first few days of the term. What do other people do?


My main questions are:

What is the take up rate like usually?

How long do you spend at the child's home?

Do you go with your LSA?

What do you do while you are there?

In what ways do you find the visits helpful?


Thanks ever so much to anyone who is able to help on this. :)



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Hi, I have found that the children settle easier after a home visit, you become less of a stranger and parents are more able to approach you so benefits all round!

Our school policy was that I never went alone, I didnt accept refreshments. We were never refused access to the home although one parent gave notice and cancelled and did not rebook, so I suspect she did not want us to visit and that is her right.

We asked background questions after the introduction of the profile, talked about naming clothes and uniform requirements, explained routines etc, all things covered by the head in her talk to parents but gave parents an opportunity to ask about anything they were unsure of. We also took pictures which we asked the children to choose from, colour and bring back to school on their first day---instant wall display and interesting to see home/ school cooperation! My NN accompanied me as a community language speaker!

Aimed to spend up to 30 mins with each child and do not underestinate how tired you will feel!

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