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Temper Tantrums


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Hi. Just wanted to let off some steam and everyone I know is busy out enjoying the sunshine! I am having a thoroughly rubbish day and am really fed up!


My housework has been left for days, meaning that there is now clothes, toys etc strewn all over the place. My bathroom, which I pulled apart 2 days ago and scrubbed from top to bottom is in the same state it was in originally, there's wet washing all over the place and I can't get out into the back garden (we live in flats) to hang it out because I can't find my keys to get back in again.


On top of all that, I can't get my head around any of the planning for next week, there's work papers strewn in amongst the clothes and toys and most of them have (beautiful, I hasten to add!) drawings of various things by my daughter (bless her). There's so much to do and just not enough hours in the day. Have tried leaving one and going back to the other but its getting me more and more mad each time.


Have also tried screaming, throwing things around the place and dancing to music but none of these things seem to be working. I think I might as well go to bed, sleep it off and then have another look a bit later whilst all my friends are out enjoying themselves :o .


Anyway, I feel much better now for that. xD

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I know how you feel. I felt a vague sense of panic this morning 'cos I was convinced it was Sunday. Been for a lovely walk this afternoon and now trying to get some work done (but came on here first, of course).


Hope you feel better after your snooze.

Can't you join friends later or get them to come round?


Take care

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Guest MaryEMac

Hi Clare, hope that things are calming down for you. My Mum used to say that if the housework didn't get done one day, there was always tomorrow and if anybody came and didn't like it they could always be given a job to do.

I have just found out that our school is being ofsteded next week and as our group is on the school site, it's highly likely that we will have a visit too. I too have brought work home but my daughter suggested a shopping trip to Peterborough( enjoyed it and spent some money), got home, thought about work so came on here instead. There's always tomorrow !!!!

Mary :o

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Thanks Louise and Mary! I do feel much better now although the house is still a tip! Never mind, as you've said there's always tomorrow!


My mum, bless her phoned earlier and got the whole story. She sympathised with me and made me feel better and now she's taking the baby and I out this evening to try and cheer us up!


Hope you both enjoyed your days today. Thanks for hearing me out!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, you know the answer - don't do it - that's my motto - eventually I get around to doing it and as it gets so bad it always looks better for ages. I have to admit I am terrible - I even embarrass my self at times. But hope everyone is feeling better after a long weekend.


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