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Hi there does anyone have any good ideas/ suggestions of adult led and child led activites for the topic myself that you could inspire m with? i no there are so many things you can do but its nice to hear fro the horses mouth what they did and that it worked or maybe didnt?!


any ideas/ suggetsions grately received! xx

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Hand and foot prints.

Observational paintings of faces.

Senses-we did displays from hoops of things we hear indoors, outdoors

Family trees-for older children

I can do caterpillars-talk with the children about the sorts of things they can do, such as putting on their coat, helping at tidy up time etc., then either scribe for them or let them draw a picture or write for themselves onto circles of paper, about four. Then let them stick them together on to a piece of paper with another circle with a face drawn on it. They can then add legs.


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yup... all those as above plus...


we played different music and children had to draw a quick pic on a white board or just say how it made them feel.

looked at healthy eating and made fruit smooties.

we wrote letters home to parents/grandparents asking what they enjoyed doing at school and asked them to reply. We got loads back and the children loved getting letters!

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