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The P Scales assessment framework is being removed from Tapestry.

This is because the Government has replaced P Scales with The Engagement Model and The Pre-Key Stage Standards.

You can add The Engagement Model to Tapestry using Flags (see our tutorial on adding bespoke flag sets) and we have a separate assessment framework for The Pre-Key Stage Standards (you can turn that on from the ‘Assessments’ section of your control panel).

We have already been in contact with those of you who we believe are still using P Scales and will shortly email anyone who we believe has historic P Scale data, but if you know that’s you, and you wish to keep a copy of any P Scales assessment data, please make sure to download it before the 21st of February.

You can do that by exporting a PDF and/or CSV of the Summative Assessment Individual and Group View screens (found in the Tracking section of your account), and by exporting PDF journals for the children with P Scale assessments. Just follow our PDF export tutorial and make sure to include P Scale assessments.

This will not affect any other assessment framework on your account and all of your observations will still exist – it will just be the P Scale assessments themselves that will disappear (as though you’d just turned off P Scales).

If you have any questions, concerns, or need more time/help to export your data, please email customer.service@eyfs.info from the email address you use to access your Tapestry account, with the subject ‘P Scales being removed’.

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