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How to switch school/nursery/childminder on the iOS app as a Relative

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This guide will show you how to log in and switch between multiple Tapestry accounts using the Tapestry iOS app (Version 4.3.0 and above).

In this context 'Tapestry account' refers to a single Tapestry subscription where children, staff and relatives are registered. We don't mean the login details held by individual users.

This feature can save you time because you won't need to press 'Logout' to open a completely different Tapestry account. You can now use your PIN to switch between two or more Tapestry accounts.

 This feature is useful for:

  • A relative user who has children attending two or more settings that use Tapestry
  • A relative user who has children in multiple Tapestry accounts at the same setting

There are some limitations so it's worth knowing what usage this won't work for. There are no danger in ignoring this advice, it will just not work correctly!

Do not use if:

  • You are a parent user and a staff user within one Tapestry account
  • You are a relative user and share the same device with another relative user who has separate login details
  • You are trying to do anything involving multiple logins within a single Tapestry account



Using the feature

1) Make sure you have the latest Tapestry iOS app installed on your device (Version 4.3.0 or above).

If you have 'Tapestry Classic' installed (versions 3.0 to 3.2.22 ) this feature won't be available, and you can't auto update to 4.3.0. You need to delete this older version of Tapestry and download the new app from the links above.


2) Sign into Tapestry using one of the Tapestry accounts you want to be able to switch between. In this case we are logging into 'Jack’s School' with the user ‘Jack Relative’:



3) When you have logged into the first Tapestry account you need to press the 'You' button to open the 'You Menu', and then select “Switch School / nursery / child minder





4) This will take you back to the PIN  screen for this account.

5) The next step is to log into the second account you would like to switch between. Simply swipe left on the PIN screen to go back to the blank log in screen.






6) Once here, log into your second account using your email and password. Here I will be logging onto “Lewes Nursery” as user “Jack Relative 2”. After you have successfully logged in, you can switch between your two accounts by clicking the “you” button and selecting “Switch school / nursery / child minder again.

7) You will now be back on the PIN screen and you can switch between your two accounts by swiping right on the screen and just entering the correct PIN.




The different logins will remain active for switching indefinitely until you press 'Logout' for each Tapestry account, or clear saved data from the app.


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