Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Hi, Did any of you receive the Treasure Chest boxes from book start recently? They were really nice, containing books, pencils, pencil sharpeners, height chart etc. and although many parents were grateful, some (including staff) thought that it was money that could have been put to better use. Some suggested giving money to the pre-schools so that we could buy books ourselves to use in the group. We were given 70 boxes, one for each child and would think they all cost around £5.00 each, so we are talking alot of money (don't know who funded it - sure start, possibly). I, personally would never look a gift horse in the mouth and hopefuly it will encourage early enjoyment of books at home. But just wanted to see what you think. Boxes went to every pre-school/nursery setting in our area - some parents attend two settings and took them from both!
Elfy Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Hi They are part of the book start programme (linked with sure start I think). All children should recieve a bag of books when they are born and then at key points as they grow up. I can see your point about the money, but I think the point of them was to encourage the use of books at home as this is somethings that some homes lack and to encourage parents to share books with their children. Elfy
laura Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 We saved ours for book week. The children dressed up as pirates and we walked groups to the local bookshop to exchange their £1 book token. We finished the week with a visit to the library and read pirate stories!! We have to sign a form that gets put in the childs red health book. If children don't attend a pre-school parents can collect them at libraries or by asking the health visitor. They are only for a certain age group so we'll do the same next year with the next group of children.
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 We haven't had these in Stockport-unless they are giving them out at clinics and libraries. In which case some children won't get them! I will have to do some investigating. Linda
Smiles Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 We haven't received ours yet but eagerly await them. There has been three sets for different age groups from Bookstart supported by Surestart. Babies - 12 months, 18 months - 30 months and 36 months - 48 months. We ere lucky enough to get a supply for our 2 years olds with some extras the children loved them especially the red bag they came in and some use them to take their drawings etc home in. The point was to encourage parents to use them at home and there is a lovely quote in the booklet I received in the post telling me about the scheme. a love of books is a 'Gift for Life' taken from the Early Years Information pack Janauary 2006 Bookstart. Sue
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 I wish I had waited until book week, Didn't think of that! The ones our children had, were in 'Treasure Chests' and caused great excitement. I'm looking forward to next year now. Hopefully you'll get yours soon Smiles.
Jackie A. Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Yes - our Nursery children had them in the autumn term and they were great. However, the librarian who came to give them out said they were only for children up to 48 months, ie 4 years, so our children who had already turned 4 weren't entitled to them. We felt we couldn't give them out to some children and not others and weren't sure quite what to do. In the end the librarian decided she would give them to all children in our setting, (we were the first setting in our area to get them) but we were made to feel that this was an exception. Not sure how others cope with this problem as most settings have 3 and 4 year olds.
Elfy Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Thats interesting, when they arrived in our Foundation Unit we had enough to give out to both Nursery and Reception children.
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 The setting that i work out received the Sure Start treasure boxes. The boxes were brilliant and the children really loved them. We only had enough for our pre-school room. all the parents loved them and no-one said anything about the money involved. One parent said that her child had already received a box from another setting and said we could keep it, so we added the books to our supply and now use the box that they came in as a treasure box for the children's toys from home. Lu
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Hi We have had the treasure box's. we have had 2 batch's now, one in september and one in jan. We have been told they are for the children turning 4 that term. We also have children who attend two settings so have recieved two box's.
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Just our 3 year olds were entitled to them but were given a 'voucher' and had to collect the boxes personally from the library - names and addresses were taken to ensure no one got two. Even parents who don't normally use the library went to collect it and many filled out the forms for their child to become a member of the library which - great as they are then entitled to take books out of the school library too as it links directly to the main one Megsmum
Guest Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 We received out treasure boxes (at my last nursery) in November last year. I worked at a 70 place day nursery and all the children, including babies and toddlers were given one (treasure box that is!) which I thought was very generous, but a bit strange . Also, my daughter was given one of the first book start bags when we took her for her 7-9 months review at our local clinic. I think they are a lovely idea. Because of the job I do, my daughter has been inundated with books, some bought even before she was born, and I read to her several times throughout the day. She is now interested in stories and looking at books, and will 'read' stories to herself and to me. I think this is quite good, considering she is only just 2! The point is is that she enjoys books now and I think that the book start scheme is a good way of encouraging books at home, particularly among families where money may be tight (I think books can be very expensive!) Clare
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