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Dyed Hair And Swimming


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OK I decided I wanted red hair (which I love) - last dyed it a dark red about 6 weeks ago and it's ready to be done again. The thing is it's our holidays these next 2 weeks and I want to take my children to the pool - will it make my hair go a funny colour? Should I wait to dye it until the end of the hols or will I be ok? :o


Thanks :)



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You have three choices I'd say...


wear an attractive cap :o


Wait until after the holiday :)


Decide that you dont care what you end up with, it'll only last about 6 weeks anyway xD

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Only yesterday a Mum was telling me she dyed her hair red. To her horror her hair turned green after a trip to the swimming pool :o Don't know if it was the chlorine reacting with the dye but I would recommend seeking advice from a hairdresser :)

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LOL :o


Thanks for the advice - think I'll wait until after the hols before I dye it again!



Then again my mum used to have a beautifully flowered purple shower cap......... xD



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