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Hi All

we are looking at using the SEND function on tapestry.

We currently use the developmental journal for our SEN (we are in somerset) and we are finding this does not have as much parent involvement as w would like.

Just a question has anyone use the SEND function on tapestry to fill in funding forms.  On one page it asks for the progress of the child but its set out on the steps guide from Somerset developmental journal and doesn't link to the stages statements onTapetsry.

Does anyone know how we can link the evidence from tapestry to the funding form?




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Hello Cheryl,

I'm not familiar with the Somerset Developmental Journal however, if it is based on the Development Matters document it will link well to our SEND system. The stages within the Tapestry SEND system correlate precisely with the age bands of DM. Does that help? So progress between stages of the SEND system = progress between age bands. The SEND system has much more fine tuned developmental markers offered as assessment points as many children, for whom the SEND system is appropriate, will find the general age/stage band content of DM too broad.

I hope that helps - if not give a bit more info about your system and we will see if we can help :)


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