Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 Hi everyone. After easter i am having to hold an inset for school about the transition from reception to year one and how they should/could go about doing it. I obviously need to be able to justify all the speele that i am giving!! I was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas/ suggestions what they feel could be important to cover . And if anyone had come across literature surrounding the big change! Many thanks in advance x
Lorna Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 Have you got the purple/pink folder about transition from YrR to Yr1- smooth transitions (possible title) I used this when i did the transition training. Also talked about labels being the same for resources- picture and words, use of activity chart for choice- we are getting their slowly. L
Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 I recently went on a course called Continuing the Learning Journey - the pink folder is called that & is a training course for schools. (QCA order ref: QCA/05/1590. ISBN: 1-85838-720-5) It includes a DVD which is very useful in proving the point to others! We are doing this at our school at the moment and want to run an INSET using the material. Try and track down the pink folder because it is very useful. Judith
Inge Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 Not my area but have you seen this. free to order and maybe of help. Inge
Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 I have also used Continuing the Learning Journey document.
Marion Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 We use the Continuing the Learning journey as most setting will but Smooth Transitions Ensuring continuity from the Foundation Stage by Ros Bayley is worth a look its in really simple format. I bought mine from Amazon or its available from www.
Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 I found this Qu and A, on the Standards Site; Q5: How can I convince my Year 1 colleagues and my headteacher that some children will benefit from continuing with the Foundation Stage curriculum after they have left Reception? A5: In many schools, there is still a limited amount of support given to encouraging reception and Year 1 teachers to work more closely together. Recent work on the pilot activity which encouraged reception and key stage 1 teachers to train together, sometimes with the headteacher, proved very successful in showing teachers where the links can be made and re-focussing their attention on the child, wherever they may be in working towards, within or beyond the early learning goals. It is crucial that the outcomes of the Foundation Stage Profile are used to inform curriculum planning in Year 1 if children are to experience a smooth transition and continue to build on their learning. The recent changes to key stage 1 assessment arrangements should alleviate some of the pressure felt by those Year 1 teachers who feel they are pressured to prepare children for tests at the end of Year 2. 'The work's too hard and there isn't any sand', is a heartfelt plea from a child starting out in Year 1. There is no reason why practical activities, including sand, water and role-play, should stop at the end of reception. It is important to reflect on how the 'learning by doing' active approach of the Foundation Stage can be developed in key stage 1 and beyond. The following are some practical strategies put forward regional Foundation Stage conferences: training for reception and Year 1 teachers, headteachers, and whole staff training days – building on Excellence and Enjoyment, sharing latest research evidence, identifying a whole school approach to learning, and developing a shared understanding of the Curriculum guidance for the foundation stage principles and philosophy; focused visits to settings where the Foundation Stage curriculum approaches are being effectively organised and extended into key stage 1; Using Foundation Stage Profile data to discuss children’s learning with reception practitioners and year one teachers to ensure continuity and progression in experiences from the Reception year into Year 1; providing opportunities for Year 1 teachers to observe children in the Foundation Stage. Peggy
Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 That's really useful Peggy and certainly something that I will casually 'drop in' at my school! Thanks! I expect I'm being thick but could you post a link so that I can copy the address and PROVE that it's true so that people don't think I'm making it up!
Guest Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 We've also used the Continuing the Learning Journey and attended a course on it. We're definately looking at swithing to straight Y1 and Y2 classes next year (we currently have 2 Y1/2 mixed). I have to write an action plan on this by the end of the month (meant to be done with FS teacher, but she is off sick) - does anyone have any examples of things they have done??? Not really sure what I'm meant to be doing (FS teacher attended the courses)!!!!
Marion Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 That's really useful Peggy and certainly something that I will casually 'drop in' at my school! Thanks! I expect I'm being thick but could you post a link so that I can copy the address and PROVE that it's true so that people don't think I'm making it up! 50309[/snapback]
Alison Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 I did my disertation on the transition from reception to year one and found so many issues were raised even now 12 months after I finished it I keep finding stuff!! I did find Ros Bayley's book "smooth transitions" very usefull with practical ideas and suggestions and its only a little book too!! there was some research on the standards site by G bedford but Ive just looked and I cannt find it now, sorry but I can point you in the direction of some of her findingsresearch findings there may be some useful tips in amongsts all the waffle?? hope it helps
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