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New guidance: What do you serve for lunch and snack?

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Yesterday, the Dept of Health and Public Health England, in conjunction with Action for Children, published guidelines for early years settings to support them in the development of their menus for children under 5. The guidelines are voluntary but meet the food and nutrition requirements contained in the Statutory Framework. The menus and the associated guidelines can be accessed from the Gov.uk website: Example menus for early years settings in England

"This series of example menus and associated guidance has been developed to support early years settings (such as nurseries and childminders) to offer food and drink in line with current government dietary recommendations for infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years. The documents include example menus and useful information for early years settings to help show how they can meet the Early Years Foundation Stage welfare requirement to provide ‘healthy, balanced and nutritious’ meals for children. Accompanying infographics are available from Action for Children."

If you plan menus at your setting, what is the children's current favourite? Are any of your favourites on the .gov.uk list?

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