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I am an EYT in a large nursery with 4 units. One of the units seems to have a little bit of an issue with assessing their children. There are 5 staff in the unit and all of them seem to assess in slightly different ways, resulting in children not necessarily being placed in the correct age bracket. I look at the group assessments in this room and a lot of the children are under their expected age brackets but I don't think this is correct.

Can anyone give any tips on how to bring the staff together to assess in the same way?


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joint moderation activity using a video. all individually observe the child in the video and make judgements then as a group discuss judgements. what evidence they saw that would show that judgement, do they all agree if so why if not why.

more long term moderation of a child for each key person at supervision using their evidence to demonstrate that judgement and discussions to agree or disagree.

whole team meetings again sharing a small amount of journals with similar discussions that took place for video.

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