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My foundation Stage team are very interested in getting a classroom pet. I was wondering whether any other teachers have pets in their classrooms? We were especially interested in whether anyone had guinea pigs? Our outdoor area does not have grass and I worry that they may not cope indoors. Would be very interested to hear about other peoples experiences.

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We had two guinea pigs, Shaggy and Scooby, who lived to the ripe old ages of 6 and 6 1/2. They lived indoors for three years and outside when we moved premises for another three years plus. They were happy and healthy doing both. They were brothers and we had them from 3 months old. They were very easy to keep. We fed them twice a day on guinea pig 'cereal' and salad/veg. We cleaned their cage out once a week.


Our pets are a bit depleted at the moment and we just have two hens. We have also had runner ducks and for a while, my dog came to nursery with me.


We are full daycare so are open all year round. I do come in each day at the weekend though to feed/water/collect eggs etc.

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Hi Sleepyhead,


Last year we got two guinea pigs for the first time. The children love them! We keep them inside but put them outside in the run in nice weather. They are fine inside (and that's with 90 children in an open plan setting). For the first couple of weeks they were a little timid and ran inside their house every time someone walked past, but before long they were going about their daily business as we got on with ours! The children take it in turns to feed them each day and the adults clean them out twice a week. They are very easy to look after, interesting to watch and very friendly, even when the children hold them. I take them home at the weekend as we tried giving them extra food on a Friday night but found they have very little self control and just ate it all on Friday night!



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Thank you for your feedback. That is brilliant news and is very helpful information. We are very interested in getting pets and we keep going around in circles, coming up with guinea pigs each time. We are 100% committed to their care and fully prepared to take them home etc.

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Our cage is about 1.5m x 75 cm with about 1/3 covered by a raised level where their food is and makes a hidey hole downstairs. They don't have access to grass in term time as we don't have any at school and I live in a flat, but in the holidays my TA takes them home and gives them a good week of free range grass access in her garden. We just make sure we give them fresh veg everyday (their favourite is spinach) and they seem fine and healthy.



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