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Hi All, I posted in here as it is not visible to outsiders.


Today my chef made an allegation against one of my staff in the toddler room for being "too harsh when disciplining a child and bumping her on to her chair" there were 2 other staff in the room at the time.


I asked everyone to write down what happened, so I could make sense of it. Neither the person accused nor the other 2 members of staff where concerned at all about her behaviour. The person making the allegation has spent 2 days at work crying about personal issues on and off during the day including before she went into the classroom today. They are family related issues and the child that was told off today is from the same cultural background as her.


The child is fine, wasn't in danger or hurt and was perfectly happy with the situation once she was allowed back to the table to eat her cake without spitting at her friends. Overall a normal thing as far as I am concerned.


I will still call the LADO tomorrow to get some advice... what do you think is the likely recommendation? There has been bad blood between the 2 staff members before and I am not sure whether this is a malicious allegation.


Support appreciated






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