tish501 Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 Hi all...we are updating our policies and wondered where I could find an up to date Special Needs Policy before trawling thru the internet.Thanks x
BroadOaks Posted October 20, 2015 Posted October 20, 2015 Sorry i am not sure if this is the right policy but i will include it anyway. Please also check this through to make sure it is accurate although this is the one we are using at the moment! Special Education Needs Policy Policy Statement XXX is committed to the inclusion of all children. All children have the right to be cared for and educated to develop their full potential alongside each other through positive experiences. The Nursery is committed to working with any child who has a specific need and/or disability to allow every child to have full access and entitlement to all areas of the curriculum and to make full use of the Nursery’s facilities. It is paramount to us that we have as much information about a child’s condition and the way that this may affect his/her early learning or care needs. We do this by: • Liaising with the child’s parents • Liaising with any professional agencies and receiving relevant training • Reading reports that have been made • Attending review meetings with the local authority/professionals • Regularly monitoring observations which have been carried out on the child’s development. Our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is XXX. The key persons along with the SENCO will identify and plan for each child’s individual learning requirements and provide appropriate additional support for children with additional educational needs (SEN) in order to allow them to make the best possible progress. The role of the SENCO is to work alongside key persons and parents to identify any particular learning needs for children with additional needs or disabilities. By working alongside other professionals and parents the SENCO will develop effective strategies to meet their needs by setting achievable targets in order to aid with development and progression. XXX will allow children with special educational needs to fully participate in all the activities of the Nursery by providing additional support, adapting activities and environments and by using specialist equipment as appropriate. We will adhere to the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, and make reasonable adjustments where appropriate. For children with existing additional educational needs, disabilities or health problems when starting Nursery, the key person will note these and work closely with parents to ascertain best approaches to meeting the child’s need(s). If a key person believes a child has additional needs, the following action will be taken: • The key person will gather information through observations on the child and pass them on to the SENCO . • The SENCO will consult with the child’s parent or carer, explaining that there is a cause for concern, ascertain the parent’s view and make suggestions on how parents can help at home. In addition, parents’ permission will be sought for getting help and advice from outside agencies. • The key person will provide additional help, using different resources and methods, to better meet the needs of the child. SEN recording system will be used to keep a record of what has been put in place and if the child is meeting these. Progress is reviewed every 3 months between the SENCO, parents and outside agencies. • In line with Early Years Action and Early Years Action Plus, planned review meetings will be undertaken and advice sought from all parties involved. • We will use a continual system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) • If the SENCO believes a more specialist assessment and support would benefit the child, the Nursery will consult with the parents, and with their approval, contact appropriate outside educational and/or health agencies to ask for their support. • We will also provide resources (human via extra staff and financial via funding) to implement our Special Education Needs Policy effectively. New Settings When a child with special educational needs moves from the Nursery to another setting/school, the Nursery will ensure that copies of reports and other paperwork are passed to the new setting/school to ensure that they are fully aware of the child’s needs, and of the support that has been provided to date. Furthermore, the SENCO will meet with the setting/school if required. XXX follows the DfE Code of Practice – January 2015 If you would like to view this Code of Practice please ask Office staff for a digital copy of our DfE Code of Practice. Multi-Agency Collaboration The SENCo Liaises with other supportive agencies to develop good working relationships We gather information on relevant contacts and services to share with parents We try to achieve a good relationship for information sharing, collaborating and understanding with other professionals in order to take into account the complete needs of that child.
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