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Next step/target tree

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I'm in the process of trying to decide what to do about setting targets for the children. We have more or less, moved over to a system which doesn't involve individual next steps - a bit of a mish-mash between ABC's Objective Led Planning and Anna Ephgrave's planning in the moment. HOWEVER, I am required to set children 2 targets for the parents evenings in October and February. I do not want this to provide us with another piece of paper to refer to constantly, so I was thinking of having a target tree. The targets (possibly) be longer term targets of skills to be developed, the tree would be visible to parents and therefore, supported by them (Hopefully!)

I am sure that I have read on here recently about someone who is using a next step or target tree but I can't find the thread. I have some ideas from another lovely lady on here and am just trying to make a final decision about how to go about this without it being another thing that takes over!

Any ideas will be much appreciated!


Green Hippo x


Ohhh Target Tree's i like that name :P


We use Tapesty to help with targets due to the next obs or next steps in produces and by looking at the analysis data you can print off for each child.


We simply have this weeks planning sheet and next weeks planning sheets on the wall next to each other.. and an environmental plan of course, and the planning is completed constantly with approx 2 focused activities added to "next weeks planning" per child per week taking into account the environmental plan that all staff work together on. We are only small setting with 35 children per day split into 3 areas so it works well in each area for us.


The next steps from the Tapestry printout (bi-termly or more if required) and by using the analysis data graphs, keyworkers can easily plan for their child and managers can check the progress throughout this course. If areas of learning are not improving over 2 assessment periods then notes can be added to Tapestry to try to find out the reason.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, BroadOaks. You sound like you've got a great system that works for you.

I feel that we have developed a system that works for us which has come away, in the main, from individual next steps. We use objective led planning for our next steps and don't usually plan focused activities for these but find the children in their play and teach them where they are if appropriate at the time. We have a few individual targets for those who have a more pressing needs.

However, the problem is with Objective led planning is that every 1 to 2 weeks the children get a new next step which are small steps so I can't really list what their next steps on my target sheets as there would be too many and I don't know exactly what I'm going to be teaching through OLP for the term.

My target tree was to create more longer term targets that the smaller next steps would work towards. But, also child and parent friendly so that we can work together. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks again, Green Hippo xxx


We are using pretty much the same system as you Green Hippo - taking teaching to the children in their play rather than having adult-led focus activities, paperless planning, etc.


Who requires you to set 2 targets for the parents' evenings? If this is something you have to do, then it's totally appropriate to make them longer-term skills to be acquired, I think, as anything shorter term may already have been achieved by the time you talk to the parents! I like the idea of the target tree, as long as all the parents are on board with it and know how to use it. We have had 'trees' in two different settings I have worked in and both times, only a handful of parents used them - most walked past in a rush to drop off/collect each day and didn't engage with it.


Thanks, TinkThing. As we are part of the school, I'm am required to do what the rest of the school do as regards targets. I think I'm going to use more longer term targets and possibly on a target tree. We do tend to get good parental support So I'm going to give it a go.

Green Hippo xxx

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