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I wonder if anybody has a introduction letter for a nursery setting that I could have a look at?

I'm trying to put together something to introduce myself so that we can work in partnership.

I've sent a summery of the children's learning to the nursery but had no communication back.

I thought if I tried by sending something in that hopefully it will open the path for better partnership working.


Thank you :)


I wish you all good luck with it I wrote frequently to the other provider in our village and never once heard back, even after I hand delivered letters. Their last inspection highlighted the fact that they don't communicate with us, or other providers and yet they STILL haven't been in touch. I was able to show inspectors copies of our letters and they said we can only do what we have done. I thought we had a duty to work in partnership, but it seems not


Ok thank you for your reply.


That's the thing I've permissions from parents to talk to the settings but want something I can keep in the files to show my attempts - seems abit one sided it's me making the effort when they haven't acknowledged my previous paperwork


I write and email and keep copies of my attempts in the childß file. That way I have proof because as yet they are all willing to accept my info but get nothing back! Complete waste of my time! In fact thinking of not sending anything unless they reply to me.


I have resorted to including a SAE and a reply slip s Ofsted did not accept that we were doing our bit but were being let down by other settings. Still don't always a get a reply and Ofsted said I should ring!! My argument is how are these settings receiving Outstanding when they are clearly not 'sharing information'???

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I feel I have been quite successful with getting other settings to share.


I send a letter introducing myself and on it, parents sign to give permission for us to 'share'. I let them have the child's LJ so they can get their own starting points and I also give them a copy of child's planning for that term. I repeat this termly or more frequently if there is a particular need.


Then I find out when they share info with parents and make sure that I piggy-back on that. If LJs are sent home with parents I ask parents to let me have a look before returning. If LJ are shared online - I ask for my own log in details. If LJ are shared at the setting, well then I go in and look at them there. Some settings are better than others. I also ask if they can share newsletters and planning as they normally do with parents.

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