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Hi there. Im doing a flexible PGCE in early years and have to say Im finding it tough going with work as well (I work part time as a TA). Im fairly new to the forum but have been getting lots of ideas from people so thankyou.


I just wondering if there is anyone else out there trainng to be teacher especially part time and where you get the best support for your standards portfolio. We do obvioulsy get some guidance from college but being part time there is a tendency to have a fend -for- yourself approach. And not all schools have a trained mentor/tutor who is familiar with the standards.


If ayone has been there, done that etc, where did you get your support from? Anyone here with words of wisdom would be appreciated.



hi jawariyah,

not much help I'm afraid but perhaps if you ask more specific quesions someone will be able to get back to you.

Hi there. Im doing a flexible PGCE in early years and have to say Im finding it tough going with work as well (I work part time as a TA). Im fairly new to the forum but have been getting lots of ideas from people so thankyou.


I just wondering if there is anyone else out there trainng to be teacher especially part time and where you get the best support for your standards  portfolio. We do obvioulsy get some guidance from college but being part time there is a tendency to have a fend -for- yourself approach. And not all schools have a trained mentor/tutor who is familiar with the standards.


If ayone has been there, done that etc, where did you get your support from? Anyone here with words of wisdom would be appreciated.



Hi, I did GTP but this may help

Type the standards out on a A4 size page, 2 sides allowing a space for comments- then any time you are being observed, completed a section of work or a one of project/activity-you or the observee can tick and comment. Then transfer thse ticks to a standards log, it will show areas you need more evidence and the you can target the next obs to that direction. You have to be very pro active in blowing your own trumpet and asking others to evidence when you did a particular standard. They do become familiar, believe me!

Also take photos, collect pieces of work and any extra paperwork eg trip forms

Good luck



thanks for that lardycat. I guess this isnt the bext time of year to be asking such questions. We keep our standards log electronically which works well for me, its more the what qualifies as appropriate evidence? Some are pretty obvious but some are harder to understand and it seems everyone has their own interpretatation of what evidence is evidence (does that make sense?). We dont seem to be getting much advice on this and I gather from others who have done similar courses that they didnt either. Even the senior teachers at school seem to be unclear about some of the statements and how you would prove you have met them.


Hope that makes sense and thanks for listening. :)


Would you like to share those statements with us - maybe we can help :D

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