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Rhymes - Night/bedtime Please

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Have a mental block tonight and can only think of the '10 in a bed' rhyme - any others for night time/bedtime??


Thanks, I'm sure there are plenty more out there :D


you can find more hereTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear.


Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground;

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, point to your toes;

Teddy bear, teddy bear, climb the stairs,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers;

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, say goodnigh


Higgledy, piggledy, to and fro

Up the stairs to bed we go

Get into bed

Turn out the light

Kiss your (mom) and say goodnight.


Might not be the officail version but we used it. :D


Rock a bye baby

Twinkle twinkle little star


Diddle diddle dumpling my son John

Went to bed with his trousers on

One shoe off and one shoe on

Diddle diddle dumpling my son John.


In a dark little town

There was a dark little house

In the dark little house

There was a dark little room

In the dark little room

There was a warm little bed

And in the warm little bed there was (child's name)

But in the morning when the sun came up..

It woke up the dark little town

It woke up the dark little house

It woke up the dark little room

And in the warm little bed

(child's name) sat up and said

Good morning


Five small stars that shone so bright

Were dancing about in the sky one night

A cloud came slowly driffting by

Then only four stars shone in the sky...

(When they are all gone the next verse is...)

No small stars were shinning bright

No little stars to dance in the night

But the cloud moved on and by and by

Those five small stars shone again in the sky.



These are in the book This little puffin. :D


Thank you Rea I have only just realised there is a new edition of This Little Puffin and I had not come across some of the rhymes you had posted. There are quite a few new rhymes in the new book.


Thanks very much Mimi and Rea, those are great, will be using them this week :)


Sorry it's taken a few days to reply - modem went caput after a storm so only just got internet again :o

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