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writing development matters help!

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i have started to bring a post-it observation or piece of mark-making/writing to each of our planning meetings to assess against statements, as this is an area of weakness for both my early years educators, especially one. we agreed on most, but have one query. a girl pointed to her top and said "this says dance, dance, dance" (it did!). i feel it demonstrates bold parts

  • Ascribes meanings to marks that they see in different places
  • Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment
  • Knows that print carries meaning and, in English, is read from left to right and top to bottom

one staff member felt it demonstrates

  • Knows information can be relayed in the form of print

i don't agree! what do you think?



Does she really know that its print? What is the information?

indeed. i feel this would be things like knowing the recipe tells us how to make the biscuits, or the dinosaur book tells us things about dinosaurs etc


For print to carry information, I feel they need to understand that those words are giving them a clear message, so things like recognising that a road sign may tell you the speed limit etc or a recipe tells you how to make a cake.


I would have gone for the top 3 statements personally.


thanks. i am printing these replies off to show her. she's adamant she's right, and not happy with me at the moment, as we are all having to be more accountable with new head, so i am having to monitor support staff's work much more and then feed back. one fine, other not so happy - not a lot i can do .....


Some people just don't like to be told they're wrong *shrug*

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