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Development Matters - 40 pc puzzle

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I have a child (40m) who loves doing puzzles - she will persevere and complete a 40+pc puzzle; I am interested to see where others would put this in terms of phases of learning - 40-60+m?


it's not really in SSM or anywhere specific, but is the sort of thing to expect an older child to be doing - 40-60 i feel too. but only

applicable statements i can find are:

C+L (L+A)

  • Maintains attention, concentrates and sits quietly during appropriate activity

    PD (M+H)
  • Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control
  • Shows a preference for a dominant hand.

I have since tried puzzles in 'find' on the Development Matters document (PDF file) and all I can find is the following in SSM ...

Attempts, sometimes successfully, to fit shapes into spaces on
inset boards or jigsaw puzzles.
Offer a range of puzzles with large pieces and knobs
or handles to support success in fitting shapes into spaces
This is in the 16-26m phase - but nothing later on.
I am inclined towards 40-60+m because it is a 40pc jig-saw
Posted (edited)
• Shows an interest in shape and space by playing with

shapes or making arrangements with objects.

• Shows awareness of similarities of shapes in the


• Uses positional language.

• Shows interest in shape by sustained construction activity or

by talking about shapes or arrangements.

• Shows interest in shapes in the environment.

• Uses shapes appropriately for tasks.

• Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects,

To my mind nearly the whole of this section would be part of this learning outcome...although the puzzle is larger than average unless they are showing other skills i would still say 30-50 months

Edited by finleysmaid
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