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Thanks Barb, never thought to look under 'File' then print! Could do with print friendly as my message went over 4 pages all on the right hand side. Steve can this be done? (Or is it already and I've missed it!)



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Hi Gem -

Unfortunately the PM area is one of the only areas where you can't print off printer friendly pages - a pain I know. I'll have a look over the next couple of months (we'll be doing another infamous 'upgrade' to the forum software) to see if anything can be done about this.


What I normally do is open up notepad or wordpad in another window, and copy and paste the text I want into this file, then print that off. Not perfect but at least you don't get multiple pages of unwanted stuff! :)

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I just select the text I want to print then open print file which gives me the option to "print selection". Only the selected text is then printed.


I would do what Steve suggetst, although I copy and paste into a word doc only if I want to keep the text in a place other than in my personal message in box.



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PMs??????????????????????? :o




Kate I've sent you a PM, look out for an email message from the forum, just click on the link and you will get my personal message (PM).




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Hi Peggy -

Yours is a good solution if you only have a small piece of text and you don't mind it being printed down the right hand side of the page! :)


Kate, PM = Private Message. Peggy's will show up as a pinkish box at the top of the forum index page, and will be accompanied by an email notifying you of the new arrival.


If you click the 'x new messages' link on the green bar at the top of the screen, you'll be taken directly into the inbox where you can view any messages that come in, reply to them and start new ones.

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