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Hey there


Sitting here trying to do my planning and brain is about to explode - what can i do as an adult led activity for this week relating to Elmer?



Sarah :D


It depends what curriculum area you want to aim for.

Creative- colour mixing language

MD - shapes of elemr's patches, counting patches (on a picture, using squares of fabric/paper to create an Elmer)

Physical - singing 'One elephant went out to play....', moving like an elephant

CLL- retelling/sequencing/role play story, listening on tape, 'e' writing in sand/paint, listenign and finding other object beginning with 'e', discussions about zoos

K&U - colour in Elmer/draw Elmer on PC/ interactive whiteboard, investigating water shooting through tubes / hoses!,

PSHE - relate Elmer's feelings to own experiences


Just a few initial thoughts (it is late!)



Thank you!


It was very late and a friday night and my brain had well and truly stopped so so did i not long after!!!!


Sarah :D

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