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Nursery teacher job interview.

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Hi, I have an interview for a nursery teacher job Friday. I have just finished my pgce and have not done any nursery on placement. I used to work in a nursery years ago and really feel this job would suit me. I have to teach 22 preschoolers for 15 to show I can keep them engaged and motivated, any topic. I think because its any topic, my mind is darting over loads of things and I am struggling to find a focus. Do you great people have any ideas for a lesson for a big group like this, 15 minutes isn't long. I am assuming they want them all kept together in a circle time type scenario. Any great ideas would be much appreciated.


Whatever you settle on think about the point of it, more than the doing of it. Will children develop a skill or aptitude. A focus on communication skills may be appropriate.

Keeping the 15 minutes interactive for all children most of the time is also important in good whole group teaching. Do you play an instrument. A call and response type activity might work well, so they must listen and join in.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Three-Singing-Pigs-Traditional-Musicals/dp/0713673257/ref=pd_sim_b_1 is a good starting place.




personally i'd read a story i know well. this time of year they should be able to sit well and if you can make it interactive e.g. using a puppet, then discuss various bits, or sequence it etc that would be 15 mins or so. we're doing the rainbow fish this week and had a lovely discussion telling the puppet fish (google images picture stuck on a lolly stick!!) why the other fish would not be his friend, and what we'd say to him if he came into our nursery etc etc great for friendship. let us know how it goes x


Thankyou so much, I think I may go for little red hen. Using actions, a little like pie corbett. then I an trying to decide whether to sequence and discuss the story or to sing a song about the little red hen, with the children thinking of actions to go with it. Thanks so much for your replies, I really wish interviews weren't so stressful lol I will let you know how it goes, good experience either way.


song sounds lovely, and my nursery children would love to think of actions. just do what you feel most comfortable with - good luck. nursery is great ;):P:D

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