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Hello !


This probably isnt something most of you would do but Im sure your all full of good ideas!


24th-28th June is Child safety week and as a childrens centre we would like to mark it ! we will have displays and fire engine visits and nurses etc but I would like to really involve the parents to encourage them to change some of their ways!


So we will be running some demonstrations such as pouring blackcurrent over a doll in a white baby grow to see how far a spilled hot drink would spread and burn a baby, leaving straightners on and guessing and testing how long it takes to cool down, bitrex stamps to taste,



BUT any other ideas on how I can visually show parents a safety tip thats safe to do infront of the children ??






Welcome to the forum HPfay and congratulations on making your first post and what a thought provoking one it is :D


Have you considered contacting ROSPA - Royal Society for the Protection of Accidents to see if they have literature/posters that you can use on the day - see their website here


Your local GP surgery might have some resources too.


What about road safety activities.....could set up a pelican/zebra crossing and get the children to show the adults how to use the crossing properly :1b


When ever I have done first aid training one of the things they always say is how often everyone stands around but nobody actually phones 999 so could do a activity around that....something like spot what wasn't done???


I think trying to have practical demonstrations or fun role play/quiz type activities would be good as none of us like to feel we are being lectured :(


Great idea, I wish you all great success with it.



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