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observation help pls

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One of the little ones (age 33 months) made an object from connect a blocks and he said it was a dinosaur. What topic would this come under in the prime areas sheet please?

Many thanks



hi, how about mathematics, shape, space and measure 30-50 months : shows an interest in shape and space by playing with or making arrangements with objects.


Expressive arts and design, Being imaginative 22-36 months : beginning to use representation to communicate.


Could also cover communication and language, speaking 22-36 months : uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feelings and thoughts.

also communication and language 30-50 months : uses talk in pretending that objects stand for something else.


oops, sorry, just noticed you wanted prime areas ;) ! oh well C&L would be good then :D


depends on context really - it would be definately be ead

- being imaginitive in 22-36 band - this statement

* Beginning to use representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line and saying ‘That’s me.’


exploring and usind materials and media in 30-50 band

* Uses various construction materials

would be physical - moving and handling

* Shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and mark-making tools


could be other prime area depending on context

could be pse - making relationships - if playing with another child or showing interest in them, or showing pride/choosing resources

or c+l if there was any speech/gesture


Why would you have to link it to just the prime areas?

Even under 3yrs can be observed in all areas although the main focus is the prime areas :-)

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I was going to ask that too klc106!


if you can't see a best 'fit' it will link to CoEL also. I have lots of obs that don't really fit, but for example you know it would fit into PD (on the EYFS 2008, was earier to link PD I feel!)

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