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Hi all


we have a little one who is going up to school in September the family is Portuguese.


The thing is we have no concerns or worries about development or family, he is doing brilliantly and on track for his age, BUT he is still being sent to us in nappies!!!! we have mentioned it lots but wondered if anyone knew if there was any cultural reason why this might be that we have missed.


We will continue to mention it been away for Easter so now we are back we will try again but thought it was worth an ask!!!


Does he show signs of being ready to wear pants? Has he ever used the toilet while with you? If so, maybe you could mention this and suggest they try at home?


thanks Beehive he does ask for the toilet with us and we have tried this route , today we finally found out that they feel he may a wheat allergy and if he has any it goes straight through him. Why they haven't told us before this we are more than capable and willing to do wheat free, I don't know why the keyperson didn't mention this at the time but will send them back to the parent tomorrow to chat again! I have no idea why they didn't say this in the beginning when we raised this?!? at least we have finally got the to agree to make it pull ups so he has some hope of using the toilet like he want to.

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