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Co-ordinator role


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Hi everyone,


My headteacher has asked everyone to write down what year they would like and what co-ordinator role they would like next year. I am in my NQT year but she is hoping for me to take on a co-ordinator role in September however I have no idea which one. People at school suggested drama and music as I have an interest in drama however i'm worried about music as lots of teachers tend to leave that bit out and I wonder how I would get any evidence. So I am also considering ICT, art or humanties.


Any advice by anyone more experienced? I know this isn't much of a question I'm just a little confused as to what to say.


Thanks in advance.

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How big is your school and what are the coordinator roles? How often do they change?

You should ask for something that you feel comfortable with, so maybe drama is good, does it have to be with music?

ICT can be very time consuming if you are expected to troubleshoot, although if your school has a technician it could be a good subject.


What was your specialist subject when you were doing your degree, can you integrate that interest?

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Personally, I think you should specify your degree subject - after all that's where your expertise lie. That said, it is often the case that a member of staff leaves the school and the post is advertised with the co-ordinator role held by the previous teacher; generally teachers take on any subject, whether it is their strength or not (with the exception of core subjects!).

At our school we have many coordinators who have taken up the role simply because 'that's what is available' and have managed to swap with other members of staff when possible.

If you manage to get the coordinator role you would like, then you will be very lucky!

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It is quite a small school - 1 form entry. Geography and History, P.E, ICT, Literacy, Numeracy, R.E, Music, Drama and Art (I think that is them all). They haven't changed for a few years. We do have a technician yes and people have suggested that drama and music go together and history and geography go together.


I specialised in early years (3-7) so I haven't got a curriculum subject specilism as such.


I have an interest in drama, ICT and art so I think maybe I will write them all down and just see what happens :)

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In my years in schools I was music coordinator (reasonably musical but can't play an instrument) Science and DT, EMA, Assessment and the best one, queen of pencils ie. responsible for school stock! I hadn't studied any of the subjects since school but I learnt a lot by finding out more in the role. I became an expert through ongoing learning and trial and error!


I think it's not so much about having specialism in a subject - all primary teachers are generalists anyway and will be teaching those subjects day in day out. Content is what the NC is there for so you don't have to think that up either. What is more important I think are the leadership skills you can develop, whatever subject you lead: being able to enthuse people, lead staff inset, manage resources and monitor teaching and learning are all skills that stand you in good stead as your career develops.



Edited by catma
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  • 2 weeks later...

My musical friend is music, dance and drama co ordinator in a 2 form entry + nursery primary school. She is VERY dedicated and has to be because the staff all disappear into the ether every time there is a performance of any sort! I d say performing arts sounds lovely but could be more stressful than you might think. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they all have their pitfalls, I have art and love organising art days etc but HATE being in charge of ordering stock for the art cupboard, it is time consuming and someone always moans about not having enough of certain things. I personally would not touch ICT with a barge pole as even though we have a technician 1 afternoon a week, on all the other days if anything goes wrong with laptops, IWB etc our ICT coordinator gets the call and spends a lot of her time sorting things out in assemblies/lunchtime.


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