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Behaviour management leaflet for parents

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Hi all,


I was hoping to send this leaflet out to parents in our setting. It has been adapted from an article on the forum and I would like to share and ask for feedback from you before sending it - is there anything else you would add? It is quite alot of reading - i don't know whether to shorten and add some clip art or pics instead. See what you think.



Parents behaviour management tips - fsf.docx


I think if I was a parent receiving this I would feel it was quite a wordy document and could appear to be a bit 'preachy'. Why do you feel you need to send this out? we tend to talk to each parent individually if concerns about behaviour arise, that said, I am printing it off as a document for staff to remind them of strategies and the reasoning behind them so thank you


Yeah, I think it is a bit wordy, I may try and slim it down a bit. We're sending it out because we recently sent out a questionnaire and parents felt they were unsure about how we dealt with behaviour in the setting. All parents have a copy of our behaviour policy and were told about strategies we use on induction meeting. But most parents don't read policies and I think there tends to be too much info in one go at the initial meeting. Also, whether it is to do with sending out the questionnaire or not, but 3 separate parents have come to members of staff since with behaviour issues at home e.g. one child is hitting his mum, so although we speak to them individually, I feel this is a good way to let them know how we manage behaviour in the setting and if they wish to use any strategies themselves then fine. It's going out with the newsletter so we'll explain that in it.

Thank you for your reply Max321


Good idea alltheps, but I have to admit, when my children were young the last thing I did was read leaflets, I never felt I had the time. How about a small memo each week, covering various aspects of behaviour management? Maybe one week strategies for getting bedtime right, another week one about saying no and meaning it, one on meal times and how to manage. Make them into a folder that parents can access any time :1b


Just as Rea said, the idea of bite size chunks each week that can fit on the fridge door are handy, make it funny, catchy and real life down to earth parent friendly speak. Follow it up with a 'Hows it going?' at the end of the week - ask parents how useful they have been etc (measuring impact of your intervention and all that! good luck!

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