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I've been reading up on forest schools, much of the courses are really expensive. I've managed to put one of our assistants on a course which isn't accredited. I would like to make a forest school resource box does any one have any good ideas of what to put in it? I only have a den making kit so far...


Love love love forest schools - off to bed in a mo - will reply properly in the morning.

Our preschool has changed from indoor preschool to completely outside all the time


Just wanted to say Forest schools are fab!

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ooh good idea try...


small cards with 6 coloured paint squares (the ones from diy shops) ...they have to try and find something that matches the colour on the chart.

Mirrors for sky walking you look in the mirror which is held under your eyes so that you can see the tree tops etc (mind little ones noses)

egg boxes for collecting items

ropes and pulleys


humm loads more...will have another think


Oh wow sounds good! Would really like some ideas or any planning from anyone if that's possible?


Finleysmaid- have you been on any courses? Where did you get your ideas from? When do you use these activities? Do you incorporate this into your outdoor play? We have a small woodland/nature area we can use.


I have been on several courses run by our Lea and also one run by a local council (bushcraft ) we do outdoor learning rather than forest school as we are unable to access a space on a regular basis.


try here http://www.forestschools.com/ for ideas ...have a look at their blog loads of ideas on there.


We have access to a forest site once a term but we also use a 'forest school' approach to our outdoor learning area

other things we have done....clay monsters with twig/leaf arms legs etc

making magic potions with anything we can find and water of course (great for encouraging magic spell words/rhyming)

i tend to 'save 'ideas when i find them and use them at appropriate times rather than choosing beforehand which makes them more relevant to what is going on in the group that day.

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Sorry its taken me so long to post again - been struck by the sickness bug :(

We have a key set of resources these include:

  • trowels (small and large)
  • trugs for the children to transport and use for mixing
  • bug pots + laminated bug ID cards
  • rope (thick for tree swinging, medium for following like a trail around the wood, thin for building structures)
  • Woodland animal puppets (great for strory telling, animal house building)
  • camo net
  • tarpaulins
  • wool for weaving
  • various pots for potion making etc
  • jerry can to provide a water source
  • tools for the children to use (veg peeler to whittle carrots, hammer + nails, hand drill, bow saw)
  • gloves for children and adults.
  • sledges
  • watering cans
  • wheelbarrows

Our activities vary according to the child's interest - we were advised when setting up our FS to keep the resources to the minimum and to ensure those that we have are open ended. It works really well.

Activities have included tree climbing, mud sliding, mud faces on trees, dream catchers, houses for forest animals, den building, mud painting/catapulting, boat making, badge making from branches, bug catching, makimg spider webs with wool and twigs ... the list goes on.

Let me know if I can be of any more help


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