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Want To Distribute Assets

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Hi all

Well as you know the Out of School Club will be taken over by school at the start of the summer hols (fingers crossed). This means that the committee dissolves and we have to decide what to do with the assets. We contacted the charity commission a while back to ask if the school could have it as they will taking on board all the staff etc and carrying it on. They said yes. Now some of the committee members have asked if we could give some money to other charities in the village ie the pre-school and the village hall (struggling for new heating and renovation). We thought this might be an idea and so I contacted the charity commission again. They have failed to respond. So before I have to phone them just wondered what others thought?


Our dissolution clause states that the assets have to go to another charity with a similar purpose etc so we were quite surprised that the charity commission said yes to the school having it. We just would like for other charities in the village to benefit also.



Yes but does the school have a PTA which I think would constitute a charity. I think that is a lovely idea to share assets with other children's facilities in your area and wishing you well in your new role . :)



To be honest the school will be getting the majority of the money anyway and they have said that it will be used to benefit the children at OOSC ie ensure that it still runs at a level of fees affordable to parents and that resources will be purchased that firstly benefit the children at club and so therefore benefit all the children at school.

I have looked more on the charity commission website and they really do not seem to be bothered about charities dissoling. It even seems to me that all we have to do is complete a form telling them we want to, why and they they just remove us from the register. They say they will only investigate where assets go if it is found that a charity has dissolved without informing them. Are we therefore worrying about nothing and so long as we can justify why we are doing it then just go ahead??

  • 3 weeks later...

We are currently looking at the possibility of closure so Ive been investigating the dissolution of assets. Is there any reference in your constitution to this? If we go ahead and close, the assets will be sold and any money left will be donated to local charities with a similar purpose and aims (this is stipulated in the constitution). Ours will be donated to two other local pre-schools who are also struggling at this time.

The pre-school will have similar aims to you, so as long as its a registered charity there should be no issue with donating to them, not sure about the village hall tho.



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