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Health & Safety Officer - Responsibilities


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Does anyone have a list of the responsibilities of a pre-school health and safety officer or maybe a job description?


Obviously, risk assessments and health and safety policies but what else, please?? Any response greatly appreciated!! :)

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I don't have it to hand but off the top of my head...


Our H+S coordinator has a checklist for arrival and leaving and a nominated person to do the checks when she is not in. Includes unbolting the fire-doors, checking room and fridge temps, checking for safety generally (plastic bags, wet floor, trip hazards etc) For leaving she has to ensure windows are shut, doors locked, heaters off, phone on charge etc.

She checks the accident book half termly to look for recurrences.

She checks the smoke alarms.

She arranges for the checks we have to have from the fire department.

She carries out the risk assessments for trips.

She ensures the first aid box is kept updated.


Can't think of anything else but if you still need it next week I'll try to remember to look at work



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Thanks so much for that. Exactly what I was after. If you have anything else to add, I'd be grateful. There's no rush - it's for September - but I'm just getting myself sorted out ahead of time!!!


Thanks again!



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OK - my memory is rubbish tho so either add me as a contact and keep nagging or keep this bumped!!

We've just redone all ours too so don't envy you one little bit!

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Wow that was a quick response!! Okay I'll remind you in a week or so!!


I did do all the health and safety stuff in my last job (in fact I did EVERYTHING!!! - but that's another story!!!) but have been out of it for a year so the old brain needs a bit of a rattle to get working in that area again!



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