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Nqt - Nursery Teacher

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I am a newly qualified early years practitioner and would appreciated any advice, tips or planning hints! I have joined a nursery where there are 39 /39 children am /pm ages 3-4.5 !


All routines and planning in place I have altered, I aim for two focus tasks a week in and out door. I have changed my settings snakc system to an open cafe where the chidlren come and take there snack as they please and introduced free flow.. so you can imagine since september the nursery and children have had slow and gradual change ( as the staff ) . I was looking on advice on planning ( I feel there must be a better system than I use) and how others feed there observations into their planning.


I have three groups and vast abilities - from sen,slcd and autistic whom cannot speack english thus no speaking and listening skills to children whom are learning to write their names and are able to understand mathematical concepts. I have four staff members ( including me) and a head ache most evenings! Each child is given a target a term - however targets are so widespread tryin to meet next steps and the targets is next to impossible in a three hour sesson!


I think the word is help :) and please.. I love my work and school is amazing but life I think could be easier! :o


Hi Lexi196

is there any chance that as part of your Induction year/time you could go visit another nursery setting in your area or one that has been singled out for best practice? I know that visits to other settings can really help get an idea of how others are tacking the issues raised- even it the visit confirms what you are doing is the right way forward? It may be worth exploring... best of luck


I'm not sure that only 4 focus tasks a week, if that's what you mean, would constitute a balance of adult directed/child initated learning, with a ratio that good. Is that enough direct teaching/modelling etc?



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