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Guest tinkerbell
Posted (edited)

Has anyone got the ofted eyfs 2012 criteria ?


thanks Tinkerbell

Edited by tinkerbell
Guest tinkerbell

Couldn't find it ?

I am in the middle of an Ofsted now....we are the first school in our LEA to be done under the new frame work which I have read BUT it looks like the Reception /EYFS is just included in the school framework.


Tomorrow I have an hour to talk tothe inspector about the Reception.


any help would be appreciated




Hi Tinkerbell,


Catma's post said...



Where the childcare is managed by the school governing body you will be inspected as part of the section 5 inspection -that could explain why??

In children's centre inspections we've had, where they run coordinated inspections, the childcare has been part of the school inspection and the centre is a separate report.


"Section 5 inspections are not now intended to evaluate the effectiveness of children’s centres. However section 5 inspectors will need to:

- inspect any provision of the Early Years Foundation Stage offered by a centre managed by the school, in order to contribute to the judgement about the overall effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage within the school."

- consider the impact of any services and activities offered through or by the centre that might contribute to judgements on the school’s leadership and management; partnership working, and care, guidance and support. These services or activities might include:

- a crèche service to allow parents of pupils to access family support services

- wrap-around care for pupils of the school

- family support services offered as part of the school’s extended services.


Inspectors should refer to the separate guidance on inspecting extended school provision: www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Forms-and-guidance/Browse-all-by/Education-and-skills/Schools/Supplementary-guidance-and-resources-for-inspectors.


Inspectors must emphasise to the school’s and the centre’s head/s that they will not inspect the children's centre. However inspectors should also make clear that they will evaluate the quality of any Early Years Foundation Stage provision located in the centre where it is managed by the school. They will also take account of evidence arising from related services that might contribute to judgements about the school."




Hope that helps!?



Guest tinkerbell

Thank you Nona

It is looking that way I feel.We the early years are being judged in withthe school there appears to be no different criteria when I look through 'the evaluation schedule for the inspection of maintained schools and academies Jan 2012'






We just had the call today to say they are coming on Monday!! We are also the first school in our LEA under this framework - the inspectors have a quality assurance person observing them. As an NQT I am very nervous.


We have had training on the new Ofsted framework and yes EYFS does not have a separate judgement anymore. There is a big focus on reading for this one - including the inspectors taking children to read. They will also be looking for good quality books and opportunities to read. There is also a focus on behaviour including times when they are out of the class setting (dining hall and corridors). And the framework says that the inspectors spend more time in classes with the children which means longer observations.


Hope this helps x


Good luck tinkerbell - I'm sure you'll be fine!


The judgements will very much influence the overall judgement of the whole school.

The EYFS will still be expected to be inspected to ensure you are delivering the specific EYFS framework and all the statutory stuff but it just won't get a separate judgement. You'll still have to discuss the same things e,g, your vision and quality improvement.


Will be very interested to get some idea from you of how the process goes as we've not had one yet in our LA(phew!!)



Guest tinkerbell

Finished ...I can sleep now.Unable to discuss the results as you know so will do that later.( only school in my LEA....1 of 10 schools in the country)


after phone call , we all sent in timetables for the 2 days.next day when inspector had read all the school paper work ,phoned again with 6 areas to focus on.

Asked when I would be doing phonics, so I knew when I would be observed for this.Also yr1/yr2 phonics.Watched all teachers for 30 mins first day ,2 observations shared with HT( to check judgements)


wanted to hear 2 yr1, 2 yr 2, 2 yr6 readers ( middle and lower ability)


work book scrutiny 2 yr2 2 yr4 2 yr6

( we are told all this before he arrived)


watched both assemblies ( all the wa through!)


second day in and about all over the school,out at playtime


big emphasis on reading,phonics,boys/girls. talked to literacy co-ordinator 30 mins.Me EYFS 60 mins.

Headteacher was in and out talking about lots of different things

once the inspector had talked to HT we had a rough idea of what ,where he would be .




The inspector stuck to the new framework 2012 to make a 'best fit' judgement for each area.


happy to fill you in on more detail ,later




Our inspection is on Monday and Tuesday. We have been told that they will be focusing their time in EYFS and KS1, they are also focusing on phonics for us. Is there any chance that they will go easy on an NQT?


Tinkerbell what sort of questions did they ask you about EYFS? I am the Nursery teacher.



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