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Ba (hon) Dissertation Help

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can any body help?

I am starting my dissertaion . The last task in my degree studies before I get a life back!!!!


My chosen topic is issues around transition from preschool to reception class within the eyps.


I have gained data from a questionaire to parents and interview with a head teacher.


i now have to start writing my methodology section and would love to look at an example disseration to see the format required.

but find all you get online is sites offering to do it for you at great expence.


Has anybody any ideas? thanks in advance.





I used the following books to help me work out what needed to go where in my dissertation


Aubrey, C.; David, T.; Godfrey, R and Thompson, L. (2000). Early Childhood Educational Research: Issues in methodology and ethics. Abingdon: Routledge.


Robert-Holmes, G. (2007). Doing your Early Years Research Project. London; Paul Chapman Publishing.


I can recommend the Roberts-Holmes book - used it for both my Foundation Degree and BA research projects.


What advice has your university/tutor given? It is worth checking to see if there are any particulare requirements.


Good luck with it - sounds a fascinating subject!

I can recommend the Roberts-Holmes book - used it for both my Foundation Degree and BA research projects.


What advice has your university/tutor given? It is worth checking to see if there are any particulare requirements.


Good luck with it - sounds a fascinating subject!


Thanks I have the Robert holmes book will hunt it out.

need to focus but dissertation is a big daunting word .


role on May.



I so agree caroljayne, the only way I could cope was to treat each section as individual essays/tasks so I had:





Literature Review





hope this helps, honestly once you start you will be fine, the thinking about it is worse than actually doing it

hope this helps, honestly once you start you will be fine, the thinking about it is worse than actually doing it


Couldn't agree more! The overall dissertation is indeed a daunting prospect which for me resulted in going round in circles and not really getting anywhere.

When the penny dropped and I took it bit by bit and concentrated on each one in turn it all came together.

Not suggesting it's a five minute job but by tackling one part at a time was absolutely the best advice I was given.


Good luck with it sure you will be fine


Hi, i would suggest leaving your Abstract until the end, because it describes what your overall project is on, found it easier to do it back to front, if you know what i mean! breaking it down into sections worked too. I will attach my Methodology from my dissertation (which was relating to the support keyperson provides children during their transition to the setting). meth1.docx good luck it will all come together in the end! :o

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