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I am hoping to set up a singing club for FS and KS1 Chn. at lunchtimes.

Does anyone know of any suitable resources? I have a fair singing voice, but cannot read music well enough to translate into at tune, so really need something with a CD! Any suggestions?


Have you tried the sticky kids? they have great songs for dance etc, but I'm sure they would be great for your club if you want the children to move about a bit too. You can get a CD for about £10 or so I think, which isn't too bad.

http://www.stickykids.net/ should get you there.

Good luck!


the A C Black song books tend to come with cds these days, you know the ones, apusskidu, mango spice etc etc.


Also Tom thumbs musical maths/Bing lingo/three singing pigs have good raps and musical games to play. (Also AC black I think)




Our KS1 kids sang a little play called Billy No Buzz for the prize day last year. I can't remember who it is by though, sorry! The songs were great and it had a little tale about being accepting and that. The kids loved the songs and I can still remember it, so its definately catchy! That would be nice for them to learn but not too onerous.


Our 'Rainbow Crystals' singing group use a great CD that has lots of songs on and dances to accompany them all - it is an american pack but the kids love it - mind has gome blank at the mo for the name - but i'll look it out tomoro at school.




Out of the Ark music do a whole range of tapes covering various topics, themes some are specifically for the 3-5 year olds, some for the 5-7 year olds and some older again. They have a web site and I think they will send you a demo tape of some of the songs they do.



Be aware that the licencing issue is raised again if you do performances. Out of the Ark, for instance, charge according to factors such as the number you're performing to.


Thank you all for your suggestions, I hadn't thought of doing a musical, but it might be nice to show the rest of the school what we've been doing. We've used a lot of the 'Out of the Ark' stuff for Christmas - will have a look at the website.

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