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Introduction To Pre-school Practice - Level 1 Or 2?

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I have 2 members of staff who currently hold the Introduction to Pre-school Practice. At the time of gaining the award I believe it was recognised as a Level 2.


I am now however led to believe that it is now recognised as a level 1 qualification?


Been working on the staff notice board...and my head is very tired - been googling but can find no concrete clarification!!


I know the Certificate to Pre-school Practice is Level 2, and the Diploma a Level 3...can anyone point me in the right direction to confirm the level of the IPP!


I know people here will have the answer - I'm too tired to continue googling :o


Thank you all!!



The Introduction to Pre-school Practice was taught as the first unit of the Level 2 Certificate in Pre-school Practice, so it is definitely not a Level 2 if they stopped there and didn't carry on. I'm not sure the IPP in itself equates to a level 1 qualification, but either way it isn't a recognised childcare qualification as far as the EYFS welfare requirements are concerned.


I've looked on the CACHE website and can't even see the IPP listed as a separate qualification, although I know it was possible in the past because that's what I did before the DPP.


I last taught the IPP some years ago now, and then the college went on to teach something called 'Getting Started in Pre-school Practice' which was the entry level qualification. I'm not sure if it was designed to replace the IPP but I do know it was no longer taughter as a standalone qualification.


Have you tried putting the IPP into the CWDC workforce audit tool? That should point you in the right direction of further training necessary to bring your staff members up to a full and relevant qualification.

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