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Just had 'the call' and OFSTED are coming in on Wednesday and Thursday.....

The topic this week is dentists and looking after our teeth.....


Can anyone give me any wow ideas of a whole class teaching input in KUW AND PSRN????


Im new in Nursery and dont know what they will be looking for?


What about an adult led activity that could be going on in Nursery? Im so scared


Please help inspiration required ASAP...


Thank you soooo much


Sar B


We have a dental nurse come in and talk about dental hygiene with the children once a year, a couple of the things she does are:


x Use a puppet to talk about brushing our teeth using a real toothbrush- you could give the children toothbrushs to practice on dolls/teddies

x Sorting and matching foods that are good and not good for our teeth ie, Juice and Milk (using real packets)

x She also gives them to take home brushing teeth charts- children have to mark off when they have brushed their teeth in the mornings and evenings and then they get a certificate at the end of the week if they bring the charts back ( great way of showing parents input)


Hope this helps a little x :o


Thats exactly what our dental nurse did when she came to visit us too Bubbles00. :o

Having just had the pleasure of the Big O myself last Friday, the one thing that i had instilled in my staff was to do exactly as you always do, try to keep calm, i'm sure you will be fine.

Good luck. xD



Just had 'the call' and OFSTED are coming in on Wednesday and Thursday.....

The topic this week is dentists and looking after our teeth.....


Can anyone give me any wow ideas of a whole class teaching input in KUW AND PSRN????


Im new in Nursery and dont know what they will be looking for?


What about an adult led activity that could be going on in Nursery? Im so scared


Please help inspiration required ASAP...


Thank you soooo much


Sar B


Hope your inspection went okay - you must be breathing a sigh of relief now it's over!

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