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E Profiles


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We are using e profile for the first time at school and have some concerns and questions. Our IT coordinator chose to install the profile on our school network, which we advised him against having read the guidelines. This meant that we could only work on the profile in school. I grumbled loudly and 3 laptops were purscased fro our 3 Reception teachers. Since then I have loaded the profile onto a memory stick and transferred it to my laptop for home use. I've been working on my laptop over half-term holiday. Will I be able to tranfer my data back to the school system next week using my pendrive or will there be a problem with others working on the profile and wanting to tranfer their work back to the system. In other words will we over-ride each others work?


Sorry to say this but computers are not my strong point. Our Foundation Stage manager is having kittens about whether her work will be lost. She says that all profiles have to be transferred back to the main system for transfer to our LEA.


Any advice would be much appreciated.


Many thanks!

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HI Molly

I'm no good with the technical side either but this is what I did last year and am doing again this year.

Our profiles like yours were loaded onto our laptops and only at the end of the year did I get the technician to transfer the data back to the network from my laptop. There was no problem with both reception classes uploading their info back to the network PC. If you need to add anymore info then I would wait until you are ready to finalise the profiles just before sending them on to your LEA (this will save you uploading twice)

Your FSM is right and they do all have to be transfered back to the main system to be sent to the LEA.

As a matter of interest did you manage to seprate the children's profiles into their own class groups? This makes it easier when selecting your own class to work with.

Hope this helps

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Many thanks for the info. What a relief to know that it is possible to transfer from laptop back to main network using the memory stick. I was concerned that I would have to transfer it manually.


I haven't managed to seperate the children into classes which would make life much easier. I'm finding it hard work at the moment doing the comments and using copy and paste! (to save time).


Once again many thanks for the advice.

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