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I know I have seen these somewhere in the dark and distant past, but I think I have saved the forms on my old PC.


Does anyonw have a form that we can give to new families to fill in to make settling in easier.


I have hit a blank tonight, dealing with last minute changes to policies and parent info packs, adding sesion prices, changing "curriculum" to "framework" when I refer to BTTM, increasing the odd font here and there, I'm sure you know the small changes I'm talking about.


Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.


Thanks everyone for those.


I'll have a good look at them all over the weekend and draw up "a version"


It's one of those last minute things that I appear to have overlooked, what with working on all of the policies, contracts, admission forms, child recording system, registration processess to look at. Not to mention trying to find the best deals for resources, decide on staff uniforms etc.


All that and still working full time and doing 2 OU courses to get the Cert in Early Years in a year!!!!

Glutton for punishment or what :oxD:(


Thanks again everyone!!

  • 2 months later...

thank you so much to everyone who was kind enough to attach their 'about me' booklets, it has given me some excellent ideas.

thank you all again


charlotte james

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