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Keeping Track Of Evidence In Learning Journeys

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Hi all

A while ago I can remember someone attached a chart that detailed evidence to tick when you had collected e.g. photo, work, observation etc for each child. I remember downloading it but seem to have lost it. Anyone have any ideas where I can find it on here because I'm not having much luck.

Many thanks

Brownie x


Thank you - I know I didn't ask for it, but think it will be very useful!

Guest Pebble123

This is a really good idea but I thought we had to annotate/gather evidence using the development matters bands rather than the profile points ?

Thats what Ive been advised anyway !


Here is a 7 page grid for DMs and ELGs:




Most children who enter my class are at the lower end of the ELGs, where there are children who have come from nursery still within DMs, I will use the grid above. The statements on the grid can only be highlighted and there is not much room for referencing the evidence.

I thought we had to annotate/gather evidence using the development matters bands rather than the profile points ?


In reception we gather evidence for both the DMs and ELGs (the profile points come from these, see attached document where the profile points are red). I use the EYFS profile booklet to ensure I have enough evidence to make accurate judgements for the e-profile at the end of the year.


I use the DMs and ELGs when planning the next steps for children.



Guest Pebble123

Thanks, Ive had that last grid on my wall for a while really helpful.

Think everyone is told different things by advisors anyway !


Can someone please explain, how to use the EYFS, when doing observations, as I have never used it before and it looks very confusing! thanks

I know I have to put numbers and letters next to the obs, but where do they come from?


Can someone please explain, how to use the EYFS, when doing observations, as I have never used it before and it looks very confusing! thanks

I know I have to put numbers and letters next to the obs, but where do they come from?



Hi, I might be misunderstanding your question and being too simple here . . . .


Our observations are linked to the points on the EYFS Profile (I am in Reception) and coded with the initials for the area of learning and the number of the relevant scale point it provides evidence towards.


E.g. an observation where a child is singing a number rhyme whilst playing independently could be coded - NLC 1, CD 4 (Numbers as labels for Counting scale point 1, Creative development scale point 4) as it shows evidence towards the child achieving these points on the Profile. We also use the codes AI and CI to show whether the activity was adult or child initiated.


The profile document explains each scale point in detail and gives examples of possible evidence.


Hope thats of some help! S x

Can someone please explain, how to use the EYFS, when doing observations, as I have never used it before and it looks very confusing! thanks

I know I have to put numbers and letters next to the obs, but where do they come from?



What kind of setting are you in? The numbers and codes are more for school filling in the profles.

If you're in a pre-school enviroment you need to concerntrate more on the Development Matters statements themselves rather than the codes.



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