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just a quick question - I'm taking part in a study visit to Australia this summer to look at early years education, I need to take a gift to give a school, I'm thinking of possibly a model of possibly Big Ben, perhaps some toy black taxis, but am a little uninspired, does anyone have any suggestions, I am also going to take a book made by my present class...


First of all - how exciting, please be sure to take lots of pics and share what you find out.

A few of us from our lea have just come back from a study visit in the states, as we were going into a few schools we put a pack together of our respective schools ie: prospectus, literature, book bags etc. the lea gave us some tourist information type stuff.


However, In retrospect I wished I had taken some 'British' children's literature as one school invited us to read stories and share about England with the class. Their book shelves were a bit depleted and much of their literature unfamiliar to me. I always think it is better to read something you are familiar. So what about taking a few favourites just in case - you could always leave a couple of books behind for their library.


The other thing the children enjoyed was looking at photographs of our schools and classes. The teachers were all really interested in our classes, schools and the things we do. You could take some photographs of displays etc.


Just a thought too! We were asked to present to the education board about our schools and one girl had the noggin to take along a CD rom of photos/power point. We weren't expecting that so it might be worth thinking about putting something simple together.


However, I have an epal link with a school in Aus. and having just received a goody box from them (vegimite, flags etc) have just put one together to return to them . We have put a cuddly red squirrel toy in so that the children can do a journal. They sent us a kookaburra and he is going to each childs house and then I am posting back. what about taking something like that and explaining, leaving him behind for the children to do something like that?


On our return from Mississippi - we have emailed classes and sent letters and photographs. It has been a fantastic experience, not only for us but for the children too.


By the way, I was also fortunate enough to be able to take along the forums travelling ted - Callum and write some pages for his journal. I dont know if you have signed up for him but the children in USA were really keen to look at his journal and he went down a treat in all the different classes!


Keep us informed!

Best Wishes, Michaelle

Guest LucyQ

Gosh - How exciting! Might be a rude question but who pays for this visit?





Have a lovely time. Sounds really exciting.



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