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Hi everyone,


Well I start the GTP in September and have been given lots of reading to do. I have also found books in the library about being a successful trainee teacher. I need to read children's books, study for my skills tests, prepare folders. Feeling overwhelmed already!! all that as well as getting to grips with a new curriculum, assesment, standards, stratergies...aragh!


I'm very confident in the foundation stage as I have been a nursery nurse for many years but will be moving to year one for my teaching practice. Any advice from all of you who have been through the GTP or similar training? What reading should I prioritise? It's going to be a struggle getting it all read before September what do you think is most important? Do I work on my own knowledge first? Do I study what I need to be delivering as a Teacher? Which trainee teacher books are most helpful? would you recomend any?


Would be really grateful for any advice you can offer



Hi Jo jo,


I did the GTP in 2009/10, just finished my NQT year. I was also a nursery nurse prior to GTP (a pre-school manager before that).


For the first part of your placement, you should only be teaching 25% of the time, the other 75% will be observing the class teacher and other teachers, spending time getting to know the children and supporting class teacher. You will probably work alongside the class teacher, so will not be re-writing the planning. When I was in year 1, I taught the lessons using the teacher's planning already in place.


When my tutor/mentor observed (once per week), I would usually create my own activity. For this I read up on the Primary National Curriculum handbook (for learning intentions and outcomes) and the Primary Framework for Literacy and Maths. Many of the activities I planned were cross-curricular and creative.....a bit like Reception but with some more structure.


I think you just need to be aware of the National Curriculum (NC) and possibly the Primary framework. If you plan activities like you do in early years (based on a topic) you will usually find a learning outcome/s which correscpond with the NC.


I didn't do much reading before the course started, a lot of what you will learn will be through practice and being in the classroom.....that is mainly what the GTP is about.


I think you should enjoy your free time whilst you can as it is a really hectic year! It does prepare you well for the NQT year though......the NQT year is a breeze in comparison!


Hi Jo-Jo and Millhill I also did the GTP in actual fact our pathways to this teaching stuff were pretty much the same.


One of the things the teacher I worked with wanted to establish was a more EYFS friendly curriculum and as all things Transition was my focus for my dissertation I was able to put all the theory and my ideas into practice. I found the Foundation Teacher in practice stll very relevent and Julie Fisher's books on Transition and Starting from The child really useful too. Actually anything on transition from the Featherstone publishing woul;d be useful especially anyone new to Year 1.


I would suggest speaking to the teacher you will be working with before (if possible during the holiday?) the beginning and speaking to her/ him about their classrom philosophy etc so you are singing from the same sound sheet so to speak. Maybe looking through the website to find out what kind of school / there way of working etc...in Suffolk we have an NQT pool which you are interviewed for, graded and then this information is passed on to interested schools, I went to one school sprouting off about child centred curriculum etc etc then had a tour of the school where it became apparent that this school and I definatly didn't have the same ideals! ( the displays showed 30 parrots cut out by an adult with the same colour tissue paper on)


You possibly have already done this though, what books were on your reading list out of curiosity?




Hi Sharon,


What a co-incidence....I also did my dissertation on the transition from reception to year 1.

I was lucky to spend the first term of the GTP in reception. Although I'd never been in reception (only nursery), it was still the EYFS.

Jo jo, in the first term it is quite difficult to change anything without your teacher's permission and it is his/her class. So it really is important, as Sharon said, to liase with him/her about everything.

With regards to the transition from reception to year 1....again it is the teacher who ultimately decides how you will organise the class etc. of course you should have some input, but as you are only 25% teaching it is usually best to go along with things the way they are.

I guess the GTP is a bit like 'Wife Swap'....at first you might have to do things the way the teacher does them, but as time moves on and you have more % teaching time, you can implement your own ideas moreso than before.


As you have been a nursery nurse for many years, you will be in the best position as you go into your GTP, you have so much experience already and you've already had the opportunity to watch how other teachers teach (whether it be good or bad). Year 1 isn't that much of a change from EYFS, unless your school start formal learning from day 1 (which is not recommended practice).

I'm sure you will be fine. So as I said before, don't worry about additional reading, just look at the books your trainer has recommended and then relax before the hard work begins in September.


However, if you still don't feel comfortable about relaxing...I found this website useful for info the NC: http://curriculum.qcda.gov.uk/key-stages-1-and-2/index.aspx


I've been an EBT (Education Based Tutor) for the last couple of years having mentored 3 GTP's during this time.

Familiarise yourself with phonics, especially the abundance of resources and games online to make these really fun sessions.


The "singing phonics" books 1 and 2 are great and both our Yr and Y1 love them.


Use websites like "letters and sounds", www.ictgames.com for games

www.phonicsplay.co.uk for real and non-words and make sure you know how to say the sounds properly http://jollylearning.co.uk/2010/10/29/joll...-audio-example/


Sorry if I'm telling you things that you already know but it was something all our GT's could have done with before they started.


Good luck, it's hard work but so worthwhile.


Dear Jo jo

I think you've been given some very sound advice from millhill, Sharon and Riverview. Like Riverview I've mentored three GTP colleagues in recent years. We always liaised before the beginning of September to have a quick look at the planning and to talk about how things worked and also to make sure I knew what my colleague would be needing to do in the first few weeks - so do try to get in touch with your teacher if you can. To begin with my students always worked from the planning that I'd prepared and began their teaching practice by taking small groups for Communication, language and literacy activities. So don't worry about having to do much planning just yet. I agree with Riverview that phonics is a good starting point. Perhaps as well as the resources she suggests you could think of some games to reinforce the learning the children will have done at the end of FS - If it's not possible to liaise directly with your teacher, Letters and Sounds Phase 3 could give you an idea of the stage they were probably at. Having a good collection of objects/pictures and matching word cards 'up your sleeve' is always helpful and saves spending time hunting around when you're busy with other things.

As the others say though I think most importantly don't work too much but enjoy the rest of the holidays and then enjoy your training - am sure you will.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for all of replies and sound advice. I will be having a look over some of the documents and websites suggested here. I will also be meeting with the Teacher before we go back in Sept I have worked with her before as a Nursery Nurse so I know how she works and we have a very similar approach and training background which makes things a lot easier.


Thanks again for all you replies this site is just great and full of fabulous practitioners :o



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