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This 'new Fangled' Planning!

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I'm still getting to grips with the 'new-style' planning - well it's new to me at least!

What do you think ...


I do not 'plan' for the short-term (only retrospectively, i.e. observe, assess, plan) - and am led by the children


Medium-term planning shows all continuous provision, incl resources, opportunities linked to the 6 areas of learning, the adult role and possible questions (I hope I've got that right!).


Now for the LTP - is this where I show 'everything else'? Including ...

Six half-termly topics (albeit very 'fluid')

Children: e.g. establish rules, settling-in, BLAST, Circle Time etc

Visitors: Fire brigade, Father Christmas etc

School: e.g. Performance Management objective setting, Family photos, World Book Week, SATs etc

Highlights: e.g. Easter bonnet competition

Other: e.g. find a Father Christmas, book entertainer to leavers party


Where would I put multi-cultural activities - should it be in a separate section?


Any thoughts/ideas would be VERY welcome! :o




<a href="http://eyfs.durhamlea.org.uk/observationplanningassessmnet/13983" target="_blank">http://eyfs.durhamlea.org.uk/observationpl...ssessmnet/13983</a>


Thank you Marion. So different to how I have been advised by my EYAT! The 'LTP' is pretty much what I have included under MTP. Wouldn't you think that local authorities would be singing from the same hymn sheet?

Thanks again - I have saved the website for future reference!


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