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Sports First Aid Course

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My 11 year old son plays in a football team and they have been told that they need a first aider who is trained in sports first aid. I have a current paediatric certificate so I have been designated first aider since last season. Just wondering if anyone has done the sports first aid course as the club have now asked me if I would be willing to do it? I always seem to get roped into these things, must be occupational hazard of working with children! Just been recruited as helper at my kids youth club as well - courtesy of my CRB. New years resolution for next year - learn to say no!


I havent, but I know when my son was playing rugby it was decided at a fairly high level not to have first aiders anymore. All they said you needed was cold water and a phone. Cold water for bumps and bruises, the phone for anything worse.

I must admit though that before that I had kept my first aid cert secret just in case I was called upon. Dealing with rugby injuries seemed so much different to anything we're taught about in ey first aid.

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