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Non Fiction Big Books - Help Needed

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I am madly searching the net for Big Book format non fiction books relating to the seaside / under the sea for use in a reception class ... anyone got any good ones that they use? or am i going to have to make my own? if so anyone made any in the past that they would like to share ideas?


Thank You :)



Hi - sorry hope this will make sense as I am really very tired. :o

When I did seasides I found it hard to find big book texts. One website I found really helpful was www.educate.org.uk (you have to register to see the resources, but it is free). Once registered etc... go into primary then Geography and find the seaside unit (based on QCA). Although the bulk of it is for Year 2, there is a slide show of Southport ( I printed the pictures out and made a book about Southport). Another seaside website that I also found helpful was Snaith Primary School http://home.freeuk.com/elloughton13/seaside.htm (

Hope something there might help you.


We make our own big books. Our local art shop sells A3 wallet books which are an ideal size.


Kent do a 'Sammy Seagul' online big book which you can use on interactive white board or on computer. It is based in Dover and talks about the harbour and ends with a seaside postcard.




Also, might be worth checking Discovery World Big Books series if any of those are suitable. (If you dont have this series maybe someone would loan you one) I know they do a holiday diary not sure what level though

Hope it all goes well



I love your idea with the wallet books. Can you reuse them and just slide pages in and out as you need them? How time consuming is it to make them?

Very interested as I'm short of resources in this area.

Thanks Lynda


I always go to amazon for big book and last year when i did seaside i got a wonderful history big book on the seaside then and now. i forget it's name and it is at school but it went down very well.


I love your idea with the wallet books. Can you reuse them and just slide pages in and out as you need them? How time consuming is it to make them?

  Very interested as I'm short of resources in this area.

Thanks Lynda




You can either print the pages in advance in A 4 and enlarge to A3 on photocopier or write the story with the children, they can then illustrate it. Or get the children to do the art work first then put on a caption.

I have used Poems with a line / verse per page.


I love the idea about the A3 wallet booksand will certainly give that a try. Someone this week put me on to www.virgin.com website when I was asking about big books. it is not somewhere that I would have automatically thought of looking for books for school but they list 27 pages of titles that are available as bg books. You can search under big books and then children's education. 27 pages sounds a lot but when you are looking for books suitable for FS there are not that many really and very few non-fiction. We have problem in that Y1 and Y2 have grabbed all the best titles for their Lit Hour and the feeling in our school is that specific titltes shoud be kept for specific year groups i.e. Reception should not cover 'The Hungry Caterpillar' because it is designated for Y1. I am getting ready for battle over this one.......! Anyway, good luck with your search!


We have problem in that Y1 and Y2 have grabbed all the best titles for their Lit Hour and the feeling in our school is that specific titltes shoud be kept for specific year groups i.e. Reception should not cover 'The Hungry Caterpillar' because it is designated for Y1. I am getting ready for battle over this one.......! Anyway, good luck with your search!



That happened to us as well but I argued that they should be building on what we have taught and snatched them straight back. Hungry caterpillar is such a popular title they should have all read it by the time they reach Y1 anyway.


Thanks for your post Mimi - I am determined to get this one sorted!

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