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Developing Questioning Skills

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Hi all,


Does anybody have any good ideas for a short focused activity outdoors that would help develop children's questionning skills for my class.


Thinking of a sort of investigative/exploring activity with mark making belts, clipboards and cameras to promote questionning but wondering how I can specifcally get children to ask questions. Maybe hiding an object?


Any ideas would be helpful


Thankyou guys


Hi, I dont have any specific answers but do your children actually understnad what a question is?


I have always found this quite a difficult concept for little children so maybe something really basic, encouraging them to think about what they already know and what they want to know would help?


have you tried the mystery parcel game ...start with something they are likely to guess without too much problem ....teddy doll etc wrap it up in paper they have to ask questions to guess what it is (we usually model appropriate questions first.....does it have eyes/is it hard etc etc then you can make it more difficult by putting it in a box (then the questions become more like how heavy is it /does it rattle etc

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