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6 Areas Of Development Policies


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Does anyone out there have policies on the 6 areas of development?


The course I'm studying asks us to look at the settings policies however, at present we do not have any.



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Dear Angie88,

I don't have any policies as such but I do have how we might acheive each area and this is printed in the prospectus for our parents. It gives an outlines of the types of things we will do with the children to achieve the ELG's and the importance/relevance of each area and why they are all important to a child's development. You might be able to look at the QCA Guidance and pull something together from there


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Hi Angie

We don't have policies for the individual areas of learning. What we do have is a curriculum policy, similar to the one you can find here, which incorporates the areas of learning and their stepping stones. We then have a brief overview of our planning, long, medium and short, which also mentions them.

We also have an information sheet for parents which outlines the Foundation Stage curriculum and a diplay of each area of learning with a brief description and some photographs.

Hope this helps.


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Hi Angie

The members articles are there for everybody to use and adapt to their own setting. The one I flagged up is not mine but very similar. Feel free to take copies and use them in whatever way you need. If you need copies of anything else just ask.


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