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Accident Reporting To Ofsted

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I would like to know if I have to report a greenstick fracture to Ofsted. Child fell yesterday and landed on one hand/arm (as we all do to break fall). Lots of TLC and an ice pack applied, child could move fingers but was very upset so we called parents straight away. They headed for A&E as a precaution and xray shows greenstick fracture, (they are not stressed about it "one of those things" and my own son did the same at school many years ago and I don't remember any reports having to be made) Child is in again today with plaster and sling but otherwise none the worst for wear.


So what I need to know is if this has to be reported, hospital say that this is very commonplace and happens all the time.


I would really appreciate your opinions, thank you.




Yes you do need to report it to them; I had to do the very same last year, unfortunately the parent also complained to ofsted. When inspector came out she said the amount of info I sent through before the complaint was made helped a great deal. When you phone them they will give you an incident number (I think that is what it is called) then when you send them anything with reference to the incident quote the number on everything. I sent copies of;

reports from all staff who were present

the accident form

photos of were it happened

our health and safety team report (lucky enough to work for a bigger company with that kind of support)

precis of conversation with parent

what we did after the accident

etc etc


the more info you send the better it is, I know the parents aren't complaining but it makes it easier for O to understand and get the picture if you like


As the parents have said it's "just one of those things" but I would contact Ofsted straightaway and make an initial report, then follow it up in writing or by email with copies of the accident/incident log, photos etc - better safe than sorry in my opinion and it shows Ofsted you're on the ball and have nothing to hide!




Fantastic advice and yes to Ofsted and Riddor.

If everything is in place and Ofsted do decide to do an impromptu visit you are able to show them all your documentation.

Also contact your insurance department to for guidance, as although parent/carers maybe saying just one of those things now, if things change for whatever reason you have already informed them.

Accidents do happen and although upsetting some children and adults for that matter do have them.

Its how you deal with them thats so important.

Hope they are okay. :o


And BMG remember to take care of yourself too. I was devastated when the child in my setting broke his arm; he was actually pushed off a piece of equipment in the garden.


Dont forget to give yourself and your staff some TLC x


As others have said "yes". We had the same kind of incident and Ofsted didn't bother visiting at all although we did have a visit from HSE whihc was really scary. At the end of the visit she looked at us and laughed when she saw how stressed we were. Child had literally fallen 2 inches off a wooden beam and the HSE lady said she could have done the same by tripping over her own feet, and we weren't to even think about not using that equipment. It still took months before we used it again mind you!


Thank you all for your helpful information, if truth be told I knew I had to ring them but the thought of doing so is nerve recking.


I phoned them this afternoon told them everything, which has been logged, and now have to put everything I said on the phone in writing. That'll teach me for talking too much as usual! Doing the letter took forever! All done and call made to RIDDOR as child fell off something, so I guess its a wait and see what happend next process now.


Again thanks for your help and for the TLC given on here so generously, I will share this with my girls.

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